Monday, May 23, 2011

Stuffed tomatoes with salmon/tuna

Tomatoes are cheap and plentiful during the summer in Chile and Argentina. We eat them in salads mainly, but this dish is a classic first course. Is fresh and a colorful, making for a happy star for a meal.
If tomatoes are not in season, use beets, so I do at my house in winter.

Tomatoes stuffed with smoked salmon or tuna
recipe for 4 people


  •      3 medium tomatoes, ripe
  •      115 grams/ 4 oz cream cheese philadelphia type at room temperature
  •      10 washed and chopped green onions thinly sliced​​, including some of the green part
  •      180 grams/ 6 oz of smoked salmon or leftover grilled salmon or a tuna can drained
  •      3 tablespoons of pesto or 1/4 cup of fresh herbs chopped
  •      basil for garnish, optional


  1.       Combine the softened cream cheese, pesto and chopped green onions, mix well, add the rough fully chopped smoked salmon or tuna and mix well. Taste and season with salt and pepper if necessary.
  2.      Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into slices discarding the ends. Place all the slices on a plate or cutting board and sprinkle with a dash of table salt, this is really going to enhance the flavor of tomatoes. Only do one side.
  3.      Assemble the stuffed tomatoes on the plate where they will serve beginning with a slice of tomato, then about 2 tablespoons of salmon mixture, continue until having 3 tomato slices per person.
  4.      Serve at room temperature and pronto!

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