Friday, July 1, 2011

Lucuma ice cream

Probably one of my favorite flavors of ice cream, and now that  the heat is oppressive in Houston I have to do it. I adapted from the recipe for vanilla ice cream from David Lebovitz, who is an authority on ice cream.The lucuma has certain properties that emulsify and theoretically make possible to do raw ice cream without a custard base. This time I went the traditional way that often results in more complex flavored ice cream and nice creaminess.
This ice cream so good, even my picky 6 year old daughter fell in love and declared it the best ice cream she have ever tried.

Lucuma Ice Cream 

for 1 liter of ice cream

  •     1 cup (250 ml) milk, I used 1%
  •     Pinch of salt
  •     3/4 cup granulated sugar (150 grams)
  •     2 cups whipping heavy cream
  •     1/4 cup powdered lucuma, I buy it from Amazon
  •     2 egg yolks
  •     1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  •     2 tablespoons dulce de leche, optional

  1.     In a large bowl mix the heavy cream and lucuma powder, stir to incorporate.
  2.     In a small saucepan combine sugar, salt and milk, place over medium heat. In another medium bowl place the 2 yolks and whisk for 20 seconds. Stir the milk with a spatula to make sure the sugar is dissolved, when the milk is warm, and the first bubbles form on the edge (do not wait for it boil), begin to mix the milk with the yolks always whisking, do it in a thin trickle, this is done to temper the yolks and not end up with scrambled eggs. When all the milk has been mixed with the yolks, return mixture to the saucepan and cook over medium heat stirring constantly until the custard cover the back of a spoon. Remove from heat immediately.
  3.     Stir a few times the mixture of cream and lucuma and start adding the custard while whisking, refrigerated overnight, next day make the ice cream following manufacturer's instructions and add the dulce de leche in the last 3 minutes.

Recipe adapted from Ready for Dessert, by David Lebovitz

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