Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Potatoes with wheat berries (papas con mote de trigo)

An ancient dish from the country side in Chile. Most of the old chilean dishes are vegetarian, since the meat was really expensive and only enjoy on special holidays.
I hate it as a child and refuse to eat it. Now I can not stop thinking how good it is.
The "mote" is not exactly wheat berries, but is the closest substitution. You can also use barley.

Potatoes with barley/wheat berries
for 4 people
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 2 teaspoon of paprika or merkén (chilean dry chiles)
  • 1 medium onion, diced small
  • 2 cups of squash, such acorn or butternut, cut into small cubes (1/2')
  • 2 large potatoes, golden or red if available, peeled and cubed
  • 1 cup of milk
  • water
  • 2 cups of cooked wheat berries/barley
  1. Cook the barley/wheat berries according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water.
  2. In a medium saucepan over medium-hig heat warm the oil and add the paprika, let it cook for 1 minute. Saute the onion on the oil for 5 minutes or until translucent. Add the squash and potatoes and cover with milk, season with salt. Cook covered 15 minutes at low heat. Add water if star to dry.
  3. When potatoes are al dente, add the cooked barley and stir, cook 5 minutes more, stirring occasionally with a fork and smash some of the potatoes and squash to give the dish consistency.
  4. Serve hot.
As is sold in Chile

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