Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Dishes!

I was out today on my weekly yard sale-ing adventure and I came upon a yard sale with boxes and boxes of stuff.  The guy said he buys storage units and this was stuff he just wanted to get rid of.  I unwrapped a couple of items and saw very pretty vintage china.  I was in a big hurry (it was time to pick Caleb up from football practice) but I wanted to dig through it all!  The guy said, "I'll give that stuff to you for $5 a box."  I grabbed both boxes of dishes and was off!  I wasn't pleasantly surprised to see what my $10 had bought me.  Eric claims I'm a "dish hoarder"... I guess I need to prove him right sometimes... It's good for his ego *grin*  I can't wait to clean it all up and use it! 

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