Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Delightful Steak Dinner and Redneck Week!

I love setting a pretty table!  Eric and I have had the opportunity to have a few "just us" dinners so far this summer while our kids are spending time with their other parents.  Eric has now had the chance to eat on china... for the first time ever!  Crazy, huh?  The first time he ate on china we used my great-grandma's dishes... it was perfect for his first time.  Now he's getting used to a "fancy" table *grin*

Mason jars, old fashioned stripey straws and sparkling lemonade are a perfect match for a summer meal!

Delicious chocolate covered strawberries not only work as a great summer dessert, they look beautiful on the table!

I love strawberry season when I can get a 2 lb container for a little over $1!

Mmmm.... Steak is fabulous when marinated for a full day and grilled over charcoal!

 Homemade spinach dip using fresh spinach and served on french bread is one of my faves!
Spinach Dip

10 oz fresh spinach
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 c. sour cream
1/2 c. mayo
1 c. shredded Italian cheese
6.5 oz jar artichoke hearts, drained (if desired)
4 oz can diced green chilis (if desired)

Cook spinach in a covered saucepan with a small amount of water until done. Drain well. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan or microwavable bowl and cooking until hot and cheeses are melted. Serve on french bread (my fave), bagels or with tortilla chips.

 Chunk hashbrowns make a super easy microwaveable side dish!

Cheesy Potatoes

4 cups frozen chunk hashbrowns
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/4 cup milk
shredded cheese

Mix all ingredients together and microwave on high until hot and bubbly and potatoes are done.

 Dang!  I'm drooling just uploading these pics!  I love me some grilled meat in the summer!

We had a really fun redneck week a couple of weeks ago... we went to car races on Memorial Day, a country concert one day and a demolition derby another!  Every now and then my redneck roots show!

At the races!

Charley Jenkins!

Chris Cagle!

Having fun at the concert!  I love concerts!

Rockin' my Camero shirt for the demolition derby!

Nina had to babysit, but the rest of the kids went to the demo derby with us!

Caleb and Caleb

If you've never been to a demolition derby, you're missing out!  You can't go wrong with cars crashing into each other!

It was a really fun week!

Now for a not-so-fun little end note...  

We've had to postpone the wedding.  It's still on and there aren't any problems between Eric and I, but we've had to postpone for other reasons.  I'm really sad and frustrated, but it's out of my control.  I'll keep you posted on what's going on.  I've also deleted my facebook for a while.  I'm going through a lot and need a little peace and quiet.  Last time I deleted my facebook I had a hard time wanting to activate it again... I like quiet!

Eric and I could really use some prayers right now... (((hugs)))

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