Friday, July 20, 2012

Les Mis & Treasure Hunting Trip!

Eric and I took an overnight road trip to Cedar City this week to see my most favorite musical, Les Miserables!

I'm a history junkie, so we stopped in Fillmore at Utah's first capital building.  I didn't even know the state capital was in Fillmore before it was in Salt Lake!

We also stopped in Beaver at the cheese factory and got ice cream cones!

Before the play we went out for fabulous sushi at a little restaurant called, Ninja.  I wasn't expecting much since it's in a small town, but the sushi was so delicious!

I love, love, love sushi!

The play was phenomenal!  They did just a good job of it at the Shakespearean Festival!  It was Eric's first time seeing Les Mis and even though he CLAIMS to hate all musicals he LOVED it and even cried three times...

The next day we had yummy diner food and treasure hunted at thrift stores all the way home... We spent hours checking out random small stores and buying up things.  Even though it was a quick trip, it was a blast!  Eric is so fun to travel with!

Since I've been home I've already listed like 70 items in my etsy shop and I'll be listing another 50 or so in the next couple of days!  Feel free to check it out!  I love vintage treasures!

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