Friday, April 6, 2012

Blogging for Fishes: Cookbook Giveaway

I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Blogging for Fishes cookbook that you may have seen floating around the internet!  If you aren't familiar with the Fish family's touching story, please check out their blog.

When I received my cookbook in the mail I was blown away by the quality and the design.  It really is a great little book!  The pictures are fantastic and it's a really nice laminated design.

These cookbooks are only $15 and they have e-book and pdf versions available as well.  The proceeds go to a great cause and they make a fabulous gift!  Check out Lemon Poppy Cake for more info on how to purchase this fun book!

I also received a copy to give away to one of my awesome blog readers!  To enter please leave a comment on this posting.  For an additional entry you can become a fan of The American Homemaker on facebook or send me a facebook friend request!  If we're already connected on facebook let me know that in your comment!

The winner will be drawn on Saturday, April 14th.

Bringing me chocolate will not increase your chances of winning, but it will make me like you more *grin*

And the winner is...

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