Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beef cuts Chile/USA

Based on the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Republic of Chile

Cuarto Delantero (Paleta)= Forequarter

Cortes sin hueso/Boneless Cuts
1 Malaya= Subcutaneous muscle-beef flank cap 
2 Plateada= Cup of cube roll
3 Sobrecostilla= Chuck (pony)
4 Tapapecho= Brisket
5 Cogote= Clod and sticking
6 Huachalomo= Neck
7 Choclillo= Chuck tender
8 Punta de paleta= Blade clod
9 Asado del carnicero= Chuck cover
10 Posta de paleta= Shoulder clod
11 Lagarto= Shank meat
12 Lomo vetado= Cube roll
13 EntraƱa= Skirt (diaphragm)

Cortes con Hueso/Cuts with bone
1 Asado de tira= Short ribs
2 Costillas arqueadas= Back ribs
3 Aletillas= Sternum ribs
4 Osobuco de mano= Foreshank

Cuarto Trasero (pierna)= Hindquarter
Cortes sin Hueso/Boneless Cuts
1 Lomo liso= Striploin
2 Filete=Tenderloin
3 Punta de ganso= Outside round
4 Ganso= Silverside
5 Pollo ganso= Cup of rump
6 Posta negra= Top, inside, or topside round
7 Posta rosada= Knuckle or sirloin tip
8 Asiento= Sirloin butt
9 Punta de picana= Tri – tip
10 Tapabarriga= Thin flank
11 Palanca= Flank steak
12 Pollo barriga= Thick skirt
13 Abastero= Heel (gastrocnemius)

Cortes con Hueso/Cuts with bone
1 Coluda= Ribs steak
2 Osobuco de pierna= Shank
3 Cola= Tail 

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