Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Laminate Your Kid's Class Schedules and Make the Other Kids Jealous!

Nina started high school this week and Alyssa started junior high... coming from a little charter school they were both SCARED to death of big huge schools with multiple halls, buildings and TONS of kids.

To help them figure out where they were going I took notes during back-to-school night while we found all their classes... things like "upstairs", "by your locker" and "next to the lunchroom".  Then I wrote their schedules down on a paper or index card.  I wrote their "A Day" classes on one side and their "B Day" classes on the other complete with times, room #s, teachers names and a note by each to help jog their memory about where that class was.  It was so much easier for them to read than a map and all their friends were jealous!

I wrote them both by hand so they had a piece of their mom with them, but you could type it up just as easily.  Laminating is a must to keep them nice for the first couple of weeks of school until they know where they're going.

I also laminated an index card for each girl with their locker number, combo and student ID number so they have them on hand until the memorization kicks in!  I'm all for anything to make their first days of school less stressful!

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