Wednesday, August 15, 2012

She's My Strawberry Pie...

I love fresh strawberry pie!  I decided to make a couple for our Pioneer Day dessert this year and they turned out fabulous!  If you prefer regular pie crusts, this recipe works well in baked pie crusts as well as the graham cracker crusts I always use.  I like to leave the strawberries whole, but feel free to halve or slice the strawberries to your liking.

Strawberry Pie Glaze
Make enough glaze for two strawberry pies

1 c. sugar
2 T. cornstarch 
2 c. cold water

Bring to a boil whisking often.  Cook until slightly thickened.  Stir in a 3oz package of strawberry jello.

Remove from heat and stir until dissolved.  Pour over strawberries place in graham cracker pie crusts.  Refrigerate.  Serve with whipped cream.  Enjoy!

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