Friday, May 25, 2012

Chicken Caesar Salad & Fun Container Gardening

We LOVE salads!  I'm especially trying to add more fresh veggies into our diets right now because of how dang stressed out I am... I'm tired all the time and not feeling amazingly well so I'm trying to balance the stress with healthier eating.  Hey, it makes sense in my head *grin*

Leftover grilled chicken paired with romaine lettuce, corn, boiled eggs, croutons and light caesar dressing makes for a delightful dinner or lunch!  I teamed our salad up with bread and hummus... delish!  Most leftover meats taste great on a salad for a quick, light and cool summer dinner!

Last summer I spend my yard-working days trying to clean things up from years of neglect and only got to spend a little time on prettying up the yard... Speaking of which, awkwardly the guy I bought my house from came in to pay his storage unit bill while I was working.  I so wanted to make a snide remark about the mess he left me with, but instead I put a smile on my face and didn't even let him know that I remembered him and the hours/days/weeks of work he left me with on the house.... Grrrr

This summer I get to focus on making the yard awesome!  Eric loves yard work too and he's been helping me out a ton so we can create a yard to be proud of.  We've got a long ways to go, but it's looking better already!

I love using random things to plant flowers in!  The trick with container gardening is to keep them watered every day (twice a day in extremely hot weather).  They don't have the cool ground to protect their roots, so flowers need extra water in pots.  If you top the soil with rocks or bark it will help keep the soil from drying out as quickly. 

This blue bowl was a thrift store wooden salad bowl.  I painted it with craft paint and placed it on a $3 thrift store wooden box.  They look nicely together.  The bowl decided to crack this year, so this may be its last season... Good thing wooden bowls are easy to come by!  I've also used metal mixing bowls (spray painted of course!), tea pots, baskets, water pitchers and just about everything else you can think of to plant flowers in over the years!

This bucket was found on a farm and given to me by a friend.  I spray painted it red and placed it on a $1 plant stand that also got a coat of paint.

Another farm bucket made happy with spray paint!  I love summer flowers!

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